
:::Your life is as colorful as you make it :::

"Our purpose is hidden in our joy, our inspiration, our excitement. As we act on what shows up in our life our purpose shows up."

"When we are conscious of our personal uniqueness and our universal nature we express ourselves creatively. In this way we fulfill our dreams and our life purpose."

"Certain activities, attitudes, foods, and persons support the cultivation of an unconscious life. They draw us away from our center. They throw us off-balance. They deplete the soul."

"If your everyday life seems poor, don't blame it; blame yourself; admit to yourself that you are not enough of a poet to call forth its riches; because for the creator there is no poverty and no indifferent place."

"Mastery does not come from dabbling. We have to be prepared to pay the price. We need to have the sustained enthusiasm that motivates us to give our best."

"When flowing water ... meets with obstacles on its path, a blockage in its journey, it pauses. It increases in volume and strength, filling up in front of the obstacle and eventually spilling past it.... "Do not turn and run, for there is nowhere worthwhile for you to go. Do not attempt to push ahead into the danger ... emulate the example of the water: Pause and build up your strength until the obstacle no longer represents a blockage."

"Yesterday I busted a gut laughing 6 times ... today I'll make it 7! " ~ C.M.W.
Celebrate something

Thanks for stopping by!

::: From R & R to FULLY CHARDED :::

So I somewhat forgot I had this thing called a blog ... my recent thoughts bring me to

Rest and relaxation and what I know is …

Calm clear blue skies
White sand beaches
Gorgeous waters
Lightly toasted crossed calves
And flanges gripping a nice Corona bottle
(insert commercial here) you can add the occasional birds chirping and hammocks but that’s the jest of it.

And I’m ready. Since my move I have not been able to completely un-wind and enjoy the fruits of my labor, blood, sweat and tears. I laugh, I play, I socialize … I drink but I don’t relax. I do, I’ve done it before and seen it done as well as heard about it thru the many stories of others … However I’ve yet to do it within the last year or so and I’m ready, willing and able. I got my “TO REST” list together, my bags are packed and I’m ready to hit the road running.

(pause... take a deep breath ... exhale ... smile and continue)

SEEEEE WHAT I MEAN???????!?!??!???!

See this below list of

HOW I FEEL TODAY AND OVER THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS and I will run the gamut of just about all of them I’m sure. I would like to further add SHYTFACED, TRASHED and HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE to the list. (ex. See Loaded)

I have my reading material that I’m so pumped and jazzed about … one is “The Artist Way”. I will get back into it … Jati I never made it past Chapter One … but in all fairness I DID NOT go back and peek at my assignments. YEAH for that! The next on my list is THE DREAMGIVER which I’m sure I’ll read on the way over since I have no scripts to KNOCK me out for the flight. Boo to those who won’t allow ambient to be sold over the counter ... who cares if it’s for folks like I!

So I have not seen my bedroom floor in about 3 days BUT in all fairness I’ve been shooting and packing and visiting buds. One has to be social RIGHT? I’ve made some tremendous progress and I’m thrilled beyond thrilled (insert big cheesy smart word there). Part of my trip will be spent appreciating ME and all that I do as well. I am EXTREMLY hard on myself so if there is one person reading this that can stand up and say CRYSTAL you need to do so much more to be so much more IT WOULD BE Crystal Maria HANDS DOWN.

No more. I am blessed and I won’t spit out my list of things to be blessed for because I know this and this I know BUT the number one stunna on the list is I am blessed to be ME!

In my ripe ole age of 20 + 11 I've come to know (WOW another blog someday soon THE THINGS I'VE COME TO KNOW!)

* NOT everyone has my best interest at heart...

* That, some who wish me well secretly despise my efforts and tenacity...

* I am fooling no one but myself to believe that in an failed effort to not procrastinate ... I sleep less, think more, make phone calls earlier so my day only seems like lots of hours with naps inbetween....

* Not everyone who makes me laugh is a friend

* I WILLdo the things of leisure on my list one day...

* Broccoli IS a little betta with chedda...

but I digress as I often do. I tell you my head is a spinning with the thought of getting away. Sleeping in … lying around … not rushing to hop in the shower and out the door, and cold drinks out of coconut shells.


I am not the Crystal from 1994
I will not be doing everyone’s make-up
Before we walk out the door!

Hope you get the memo!


And I'll leave you with some recent food for thought ... see above blog!
Thanks for stopping by!